After your week with Chica Brava you will have learned the basics and are ready to paddle out in the line up. It’s good to remember that this is only the beginning of your surfing life and there is still lot to learn. Here is 5 ways to speed up your journey.

Look after yourself.

To keep your surfing going and good you need to look after your health. Remember that food is fuel; a balanced and healthy diet will help you rip. Get some sleep and stretch those muscles!

Stepping up your beginner surfer game: Buy the right board

Pick a right board for your ability.

When you buy your first surfboard (so exciting!!!), remember that volume is your friend. The more volume the board has the easier it catches the waves, the more waves you catch the more you learn about them.

Step up your beginner surfer game: Watch and learn

Watch and learn.

Watch surf movies, watch good surfers, watch your fellow beginners, watch waves and let it all sink in. Learn from others skills and mistakes.

Step up your beginner surfer game: Surf with better surfers

Surf with surfers who are better than you.

This will challenge you to surf new breaks and conditions. Paddle out, but know your limits.

Step up your beginner surfer game: Just do it

Just do it!

The more time you spend in the water, the more you learn. Don’t be too picky. Sometimes the wind or the tide is not quite right, but getting in there will definitely do more for your surfing than staying on the beach.

Stepping up your beginner surfer game: Have fun!

And most of all have fun!