Why Over 50 is a Great Time to Learn to Surf

There never is a right time to do anything, in my opinion. There are times when we think we are in better shape or we’ve recently changed our mentalities, or times when we think we are supposed to be doing something new, but the reality is that the right time is when you decide it’s the right time.

When you approach your 50’s, you may begin to think about that bucket list you made years ago that still has so many items left untouched. One of those items might be learning to surf and you may be wondering if now is a good time to learn or not. More than likely you are making a pros and cons list in your head like you do with all the other new things that cross your mind when you consider trying them for the first time or not.

Well, today is your lucky day.. let me do the list for you!

Why is over 50 a great time to learn to surf?

Why Over 50 is a Great Time to Learn to Surf

1.) Trying something new (surfing) is good for your mental health.

Trying a new sport, like surfing, can open your eyes, mind and spirit to a whole other world. You may fall in love with this new sport and it may become a part of your daily routine. Surfing is often referred to as “therapy,” moments of quiet time to reflect on all aspects of your life while releasing emotions, whether that’s on a wave or when floating in the line-up.

2.) Surfing keeps you physically in shape.

There is something about surfing that drives you to eat well and fuel your body correctly because you know its necessary if you wish to perform well. You want to eat well, train well, and surf well. Eating well and surfing well truly go hand in hand. Over 50 and wishing to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Surfing is perfect for you! Surfing will cause you to eat a healthy, protein packed diet and will keep you physically healthy. You will train many muscles while having fun doing it. What a perfect mix!

3.) Surfing, the beach and tropical waters are sure to make you smile.

Over 50, tired of the routine life you’ve been living and looking to feel the warmth on your skin, sand on your toes, and warm water amongst your body…choose surfing! Want to feel the rush of a wave and want to smile ear to ear, then let’s get you on a wave! I promise you, there is something about surfing that will make you smile and well, honestly, aren’t we all just looking to smile?

Why Over 50 is a Great Time to Learn to Surf

You may think there is a point in your life when age restrains you from doing things. I think the opposite… I think we should challenge our bodies. We should prove our bodies wrong and do epic things. We should improve our bodies, minds, and souls. We should take chances and cross all those items off our bucket lists, starting with surfing!

Over 50..who cares? LET’S GO SURFING!!!

Kelsey Cecil