Planning Your Surf Trip: Chica Brava Prep Guide

Anytime you travel internationally, it’s wise to expect the unexpected! Below is a pack list and helpful tips to consider while planning for your Central-American surf adventure.

Recommended Packing List:
  • Two or three super tight-fitting bathing suits
  • Long sleeved Rash-guard
  • Longer length Board-shorts or Tight-fitting leggings (to protect against sun and wax rashes)
  • Spring wetsuit (if attending Nov – April; see details below)
  • Surf hat with chinstrap (like the FCS one sold here
  • Beach towel (we recommend Turkish-T towels)
  • Bathroom/Shower Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste/toothbursh, aloe)
  • Sunscreen!!! (waterproof, SPF 50+, zinc-based, “baby” formulations won’t sting eyes).
  • Bug spray and bug bite cream (if you are sensitive)
  • Sundresses, Shorts, Tank tops, flip flops
  • Tennis shoes if you plan to go hiking
  • Earplugs and white noise app to drown-out noise
  • Eye mask for light sensitivity
  • Personal First-Aid kit/Supplies
  • Epi-pen or Benadryl if you are allergic to bee stings and/or jelly fish.
  • High-protein snacks and energy bars (hard to find in San Juan del Sur!!!)
  • Powdered electrolytes like LMNT or LiquidIV
  • Extra cash and ATM card for additional activities and tipping (see details below).


*Wetsuits (spring suits or full suits): You are likely to need a “spring suit” wetsuit if you are attending the surf retreat anytime from November through April, when a combination of coastal currents and wind chill can make the water wetsuit worthy (as low as 65 degrees F). While there is a chance you might not need your spring suit the whole time, it is always best to be prepared. Visit the Wetsuit Warehouse to see examples of affordable spring suits and to purchase online (note: most wetsuit sizing is NOT like dress sizing so please be sure to carefully review sizing chart information). For hygienic reasons, we do not supply or rent wetsuits. 

**Beach towels: We recommend bringing two (2) beach towels for the beach and pool. Bath towels are provided at the surf retreat, but are ONLY intended to be used in-house.  Turkish-T beach towels are lightweight and sand-friendly like a sarong, but are absorbent like a towel!

***Extra cash and ATM card: While most places in town now accept major credit cards, there are many things you will want cash for, including the items listed below. We recommend bringing only USD $300-400 max (as a general travel safety precaution) and plan use your ATM card for more once here. You can use U.S. currency most everywhere in Nicaragua BUT bring smaller bills ($5s, $10s, $20s) as they’re easier to use locally. You can change larger bills into local currency (the Nicaraguan Córdoba) with your passport at any of the banks in town. Currency rate can be checked before arrival using a currency converter such as Things you’ll want extra cash and your ATM card for:

  • $10 entrance fee in U.S. currency at immigration upon entering Nicaragua
  • $15-25/day for any extra meals, drinks, and happy hours. We have loads of discounts and exclusive specials for Chica Brava throughout town!
  • $120-160 for hundreds of beautifully shot professional surfing photos and videos taken of you by our local partner.
  • $100-$150 for add-on activities like catamaran tour, horseback riding, canopy tour or extra yoga, massage, etc.
  • $150+ for tipping: It is completely optional but customary to tip surf instructors and the house staff at the end of the week. Please see recommendations below.  Of course if you feel that someone’s service was exceptional you can tip more. Tipping is always up to you.
    • Surf Instructors: $30 per instructor (usually 2-3 per retreat)
    • Retreat Concierge: $30 total
    • House Staff: $30 total
Prepare Physically and Mentally for Surfing!

“Challenging” is one of the words that best defines learning how to surf. “Empowering” is the other! It is one of the hardest sports to learn, but also one of the most rewarding. It is important to keep in mind that with this sport, what you put in is what you get out. Only time in the water will bring results. Please be prepared to surf the majority of each day as our goal and main focus is to have fun and progress your surfing no matter what your level. If you are determined to get the most out of your week at Chica Brava surf retreat there are several ways that you can prepare for surfing.

Please visit our Learn to Surf page where you’ll find our Pop-ups & Conditioning Guide and our Learn to Surf series on Youtube to help prepare physically and mentally for your week.

Some Additional Things to Consider:

Study a little Spanish. It’s smart to learn more phrases so you can ease your way into the culture. It’s also respectful to try to speak a country’s native language and can be an enlightening experience to communicate in another language even if you can only say a few broken words.

Surfboards and other equipment are provided for your use. We expect that you treat these items with care as if they were your own. Surfboards are fragile and can easily be dented, scratched, or the fins broken. If you damage a board or other Chica Brava property, please understand that you will be held financially responsible for their repair and or replacement.

Safety in and out of the water is our number one priority. When you come to the retreat we will have an ocean and board safety lesson to protect all of our guests before we enter the sea. To keep you safe both in and out of the water, we implement the buddy system. It is important to not stray from the group. Always make sure the instructors are aware of your whereabouts. For safety, security, and privacy at the retreat, we do not allow any non-retreat guests to enter the facilities or vehicles. Always keep track of your buddy, the instructors, and try to stay with the group!

Get prepared to have the time of your life!