Sometimes life feels too good to be true…and yet it IS true! This week was the epitome of too good to be true: sunny weather, waves for days, beach parties, and super rad clients! With adventure in their hearts and charger attitudes, the women progressed rapidly in the surf and bonded over stories, laughs, drinks, and waves.

Living in Nicaragua can be a wild experience: I mean, it is a third world country. But I realized this week that through Chica Brava, the clients experience some of the truest beauty of this place. Meeting the locals, eating out, experiencing the nightlife, capturing gorgeous sunsets and riding through the lush jungle are all aspects of “Nica Living” that reveal that this country truly is paradise.  There is a mindset here that says, “Just be here,” and the clients really felt it and did not want to leave! Shout out to Nicole who is planning on returning to San Juan del Sur to work for a few months since she loved it so much!

Check out this sneak peak of Nica Living: Chica Brava Style that will whet your appetite to let yourself just be here with us…in paradise!!

~Kate Murray
Surf Instructor / Host
Surf House September 15-22, 2012